Soling Bowl
Series Standings (5 races scored)

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Sun Oct 28 14:15:14 EST 2001

Number of entries: 8

Pos  Bow/Sail  Boat  Skipper     1         2         3         4         5      Total
1  788     Gleitz, Peter  3  [9/DNC]  1  1  2  7.0  1
2  781     Brown, Chris  1  1  2  3  [4]  7.0  2
3  799     Thomas, Henry  4  3  [5]  5  3  15.0  3
4  686     Cooper, RJ  [6]  2  6  2  6  16.0  4
5  660     Vicker, Howard  5  4  4  [7]  5  18.0  5
6  842     Walker, Stu  2  [9/DNC]  9/DNC  9/OCS  1  21.0  6
7  798     Davies, Tom  [9/DNF]  9/DNC  3  4  9/DNC  25.0  7
8  1     Morgan, John  [9/DNC]  5  7  6  9/DNC  27.0  8

- Scoring system is ISAF Low Point 2001-2004
- Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts.
- Time limit penalty is: DNF

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Principal Race Officer: Eric Purdon

Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at