2001 Sunshine Open-Byte
Series Standings (4 races scored)

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Sun May 06 13:47:44 EDT 2001

Number of entries: 4

Pos  Sail/Bow  Boat  Skipper  CBYRA#/Club     1         2         3         4      Total
1  1952     Bridget Barr     1  1  1  1  4  1
2  2145     Bonnie Lopez     5/NoFin  2  2  5/DNC  14  2
3  2124     Karen Furst     5/NoFin  5/NoFin  5/NoFin  2  17  3
4  1764     Devon Feusahrens     5/NoFin  5/NoFin  5/NoFin  5/DNC  20  4

- A 20% penalty is: 1.0 points.
- A Check-in failure penalty is: 1.0 points.

- Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts.
- Tiebreaker warning: if a boat is counting a race with same points as a throwout, the tie MAY NOT be broken correctly, please manually check these cases!
- Time limit penalty is: DNF

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Principal Race Officer: Bugley

Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore