Sunshine Open V15
Series Standings (6 races scored)

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Sun Apr 14 15:09:00 EDT 2002

Number of entries: 7

Pos  Bow/Sail  Boat  Skipper     1        2        3        4        5        6     Total
1  1010     Burman, Ian  1  2  1  2  1  1  8.0  
2  311     Finkelstein, Alon  3  1  2  1  3  3  13.0  
3  540     Howell, John  5  4  3  5  2  2  21.0  
4  870     Cooper, Seth  4  5  5  3  5  4  26.0  
5  8     Attridge, Jimmy  2  3  4  4  8/DNC  8/DNC  29.0  
6  1192     Corddry, David  6  6  6  6  4  6  34.0  
7  355     Smitley, David  8/NoFin  8/NoFin  8/NoFin  8/NoFin  6  5  43.0  

- Scoring system is ISAF Low Point 2001-2004
- Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts.
- Time limit penalty is: DNF

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Principal Race Officer: Bugley

Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at