2005 Fall Laser

Series Standing - 1 race scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Saturday, September 17, 2005 3:38:18 PM EDT

Division: Laser (15 boats) (top)

Pos Sail   Boat   Skipper      1      Total
1   173704       Currie, Jason   1   1.00   1
2   155315       Schoene, Dave   2   2.00   2
3   178862       Von der Wense, Nick   3   3.00   3
4   168424       Tan, Bob   4   4.00   4
5   168440       Leonard, Greg   5   5.00   5
6   102       Podlich, Margaret   6   6.00   6
7   173196       Legg, Chris   7   7.00   7
8   168410       Thomas, Ellen   8   8.00   8
9   175056       Davis, Mike   9   9.00   9
10   174215       O'Brien, Jack   10   10.00   10
11   180536       Cofer, Steven   11   11.00   11
12   166904       Long, Karen   12   12.00   12
13   181113       Foscue, Chris   13   13.00   13
14T   168549       Burton, Diane   16/DNC   16.00T   14T
14T   171078       Lopez, Roberto   16/DNC   16.00T   14T

- Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2005-2008
- Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts
- Time limit penalty is: DNF

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Version Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore