Vanguard 15 Spring Series

Series Standing - 3 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Saturday, June 28, 2008 2:53:52 PM EDT

Division: V-15 (9 boats) (top)

Pos Sail   Boat   Skipper      1         2         3      Total
1   1487       Schubert, Matt   1   1   1   3.00   1
2   1375       Burman, Ian   2   2   2   6.00   2
3   466       Mulia, Nicholas   3   5   3   11.00   3
4   1180       Gelo, Scott   4   3   5   12.00   4
5   980       Helgesen, Eric   5   6   4   15.00   5
6   245       Church, Asahel   6   4   6   16.00   6
7T   213       Finkelstein, Alon   10/DNC   10/DNC   10/DNC   30.00T   7T
7T   1124       Maxwell, S.R.   10/DNC   10/DNC   10/DNC   30.00T   7T
7T   245 a       Dize, Andy   10/NoFin   10/NoFin   10/NoFin   30.00T   7T

(1)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2005-2008

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Principal Race Officer: Hugh Elliot

Version 5.1.04: Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at