2011 Spring Lasers

Series Standing - 5 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Sunday, June 19, 2011 3:16:35 PM EDT

Division: Laser (21 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Club Skipper 1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 188085 SSA Schoene, Matt 5 3 2 4 8 22.00 1
2 175231 SSA White, Brady 22/DNC 1 1 3 2 29.00 2
3 168447 SSA Merz, Greg 7 8 11 5 4 35.00 3
4 195427 SSA Parramore, Michael 9 9 10 6 7 41.00 4
5 194547 SSA Caruso, Jeffrey 3 11 8 7 13 42.00 5
6 173674 SSA Young, Peter 6 10 7 8 11 42.00 6
7 196140 AYC Carr, Mike 2 2 3 22/DNC 22/DNC 51.00 7
8 170817 SSA Dodd, Meredith 1 6 5 22/DNC 22/DNC 56.00 8
9 196147 SSA Love, Ashley 8 4 4 22/DNC 22/DNC 60.00 9
10 174236 PRSA Kerrest, Jacques 4 7 6 22/DNC 22/DNC 61.00 10
11 188095 SSA Schoene, David 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 2 1 69.00 11
12 196023 SSA Tan, Bob 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 1 3 70.00 12
13 180536 SSA Cofer, Steven 10 5 13 22/DNC 22/DNC 72.00 13
14 170753 IHYC Hillyer, Chase 11 12 9 22/DNC 22/DNC 76.00 14
15 171078 SSA Lopez, Roberto 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 9 6 81.00 15
16 183923 SSA Hidalgo, Joe 12 13 12 22/DNC 22/DNC 81.00 16
17 185776   Smith, Jerry 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 10 9 85.00 17
18 185454   Sinclair, Jason 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 11 10 87.00 18
19 190205   Myers, Chris 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 12 12 90.00 19
20 177658   Constants, Steve 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/NoFin 22/DNC 5 93.00 20
21 194512 SSA Morgan, Ted 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 110.00 21


(1)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2009-2012

Division: Laser Radial (10 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Club Skipper 1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 196168 SSA Gerratt, Aaron 3 1 2 1 2 9.00 1
2 188921 SSA Schoene, Andrew 1 4 1 3 3 12.00 2
3 168574 SSA Schofield, Mathew 2 2 3 4 1 12.00 3
4 194520 SSA Sliom, David 6 6 6 2 7 27.00 4
5 186519 SSA Haldeman, Dorian 5 3 5 7 8 28.00 5
6 172027 YCCSC Hill, Zach 4 5 4 6 9 28.00 6
7 153006 SSA Westphal, Sandy 11/NoFin 11/NoFin 11/NoFin 5 5 43.00 7
8 168410 SSA Thomas, Ellen 11/NoFin 11/NoFin 11/NoFin 8 6 47.00 8
9 177236   Gaffrey, Jenny 11/NoFin 11/NoFin 11/NoFin 11/DNF 4 48.00 9
10 194577 SSA Couranz, Kim 11/DNC 11/DNC 11/DNC 11/DNC 11/DNC 55.00 10


(1)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2009-2012

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Version 5.6.03: Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore