2013 Laser Radial Fall

Series Standing - 7 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Sunday, October 6, 2013 3:22:53 PM EDT

Division: Laser (20 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Skipper/Club 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 196023 Tan, Bob/ SSA 6 8 2 4 5 2 1 28.00 1
2 188095 Schoene, David/ SSA 7 6 4 1 4 3 4 29.00 2
3 194512 Morgan, Ted/ SSA 15 7 1 6 6 1 3 39.00 3
4 175881 Jacob, James/ SSA 1 2 3 2 1 21/DNC 21/DNC 51.00 4
5 184618 Comerford, Kyle/ SSA 3 3 5 3 3 21/DNC 21/DNC 59.00 5
6 198025 Shingledecker, Luke/ SSA 2 1 6 8 2 21/DNC 21/DNC 61.00 6
7 185776 Smith, Jerry/ SSA 10 10 10 10 10 6 8 64.00 7
8 192031 Linares, Carles/ SSA 17 14 12 12 12 7 6 80.00 8
9 200405 Parramore, Michael/ SSA 13 5 7 7 9 21/DNC 21/DNC 83.00 9
10 178857 Glass, Adam/ SSA 14 13 11 9 8 21/DNC 7 83.00 10
11 170355 Williamson, Scott/ SSA 11 12 9 5 7 21/DNC 21/DNC 86.00 11
12 168424 Futcher, JR 8 9 8 11 13 21/DNC 21/DNC 91.00 12
13 201214 Hidalgo, Joe/ SSA 16 15 13 13 11 21/DNC 21/DNC 110.00 13
14 180524 F Taylor, Susan 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 4 2 111.00 14
15 137777 Waters, Michael/ SSA 5 4 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 114.00 15
16 168447 Mertz, Greg/ SSA 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 5 5 115.00 16
17 12990 Shaw, Tom/ SSA 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 21/NoFin 8 9 122.00 17
18 183842 Wurster, Hal 12 11 21/NoFin 21/DNC 21/NoFin 21/DNC 21/DNC 128.00 18
19 171078 Lopez, Roberto/ SSA 4 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 130.00 19
20 124394 Menzi, Matt 9 16 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 21/DNC 130.00 20


(1)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2009-2012

Division: Laser Radial (7 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Skipper/Club 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
1 186519 Haldeman, Dorian/ SSA 2 1 4 4 5 1 1 18.00 1
2 194577 Couranz, Kim/ SSA 1 4 1 2 1 8/DNC 8/DNC 25.00 2
3 187868 Podlich, Margaret/ SSA 4 3 2 3 2 8/DNC 8/DNC 30.00 3
4 180536 Cofer, Steve/ SSA 5 7 3 5 6 2 2 30.00 4
5 180524 Susan, Taylor/ SSA 7 2 5 1 3 8/DNC 8/DNC 34.00 5
6 200585 Young, Chris/ SSA 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 34.00 6
7 199742 Paper, Josh/ SSA 3 5 8/DNC 8/DNC 8/DNC 8/DNC 8/DNC 48.00 7


(1)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2009-2012

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Version 5.7.03: Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore