2018 Laser/Radial Summer

Series Standing - 3 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Monday, July 30, 2018 7:55:56 AM EDT

Division: Laser (21 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Skipper/Club 1 2 3 Total
1 189815 Mowry, Tyler/ Annapolis Yacht Club/SSA 1 1 4 6.00 1
2 196023 Tan, Robert J./ Ssa 3 2 2 7.00 2
3 213965 Williamson, Scott/ SSA 2 4 3 9.00 3
4 170719 Alsalam, Nabeel/ PRSA 5 10 9 24.00 4
5 166870 Empey, Bruce/ SSA 8 6 10 24.00 5
6 206135 Waiting, David/ SSA 22/NoFin 3 1 26.00 6
7 213962 Holweger 22/NoFin 5 5 32.00 7
8 212611 White, Matt/ SSA 22/NoFin 8 6 36.00 8
9 186469 McLaughlin, Kyle/ Severn Sailing Association 22/DNC 7 7 36.00 9
10 209698 Emmet, Rob/ SSA 7 9 22/DNF 38.00 10
11 152989 Futcher, JR 9 22/DNC 11 42.00 11
12 201214 Hidalgo, Joe/ SSA 22/NoFin 11 12 45.00 12
13 175881 Jacob, James/ SSA 4 22/DNC 22/DNC 48.00 13
14 200144 Vincey, Alain 6 22/DNC 22/DNC 50.00 14
15 179156 Ryan, Chris/ SSA 22/NoFin 22/DNC 8 52.00 15
16T unknown Cummings, Joe/ SSA 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 66.00T 16T
16T 0 Konieczynski, Eric/ SSA 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 66.00T 16T
16T 148414 Wiegand, Cole/ SSA 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 66.00T 16T
16T 173258 Lynch, Matthew/ SSA 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 66.00T 16T
16T 180319 Fisher, John/ SSA 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 66.00T 16T
16T 192031 Linares, Carlos/ SSA 22/DNC 22/DNC 22/DNC 66.00T 16T


(1)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2013-2016

Division: Laser Radial (12 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Skipper/Club 1 2 3 Total
1 203955 Haldeman, Dorian/ SSA and BTYC 1 4 3 8.00 1
2 207150 Lawson, William/ SSA 2 3 7 12.00 2
3 200585 Young, Christopher/ SSA 4 6 4 14.00 3
4 204097 Alexander, Sarah/ SSA 13/NoFin 1 1 15.00 4
5 180536 Cofer, Steven/ SSA 3 8 6 17.00 5
6 189792 Richardson, Griffin/ Severn Sailing Association 5 7 5 17.00 6
7 153006 Westphal, Sandy/ SSA 13/NoFin 5 2 20.00 7
8 154212 Robinson, Roger/ SSA 13/NoFin 2 8 23.00 8
9 178596 Linden, Lou/ SSA 7 9 10 26.00 9
10 184544 Lombard, Felicia/ SSA 6 13/DNC 13/DNC 32.00 10
11 178857 Myhre, LeAnn/ SSA 13/DNC 13/DNC 9 35.00 11
12 159818 Patterson, Heather/ SSA 13/DNC 13/DNC 13/DNC 39.00 12


(1)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2013-2016

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Version 7.2.2: Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore